Many people are new to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and, quite understandably, have a lot of questions. If you don’t find your question answered here, feel free to contact Six Branches Family Acupuncture directly.


In a typical first appointment at Six Branches Family Acupuncture, we will take a detailed health history, perform a physical exam, and fully investigate your chief complaint. In addition to any orthopedic testing specific to your condition, the physical exam may include abdominal palpation, taking the pulse and examining the tongue. We will discuss the treatment plan with you and may recommend herbal therapy or nutritional counseling. Depending on the complexity of your condition, the initial session may last anywhere from 90-105 min. Your follow-up appointments will take about an hour.

Masks are now OPTIONAL at Rosemont Wellness Center. If you feel like you may be getting sick, or had COVID within the last 10 days, please wear a mask.

When you arrive for your appointment, please park in the middle section of the lot and come 5-10 minutes before your appointment time to check in at the front desk. We will ask to see your insurance card if you are using insurance benefits and will collect your credit card information to keep on file in our HIPAA- and PCI-compliant system,


We have a HEPA air filter in each treatment room, in the waiting room and in the hallway to keep the air cleaner. The filters in the rooms will be on low while you rest, and then set to high once we clean the room. We have also changed the HVAC building air filters to a higher MERV level to filter the air as it moves through the system.


For new patients, you will receive a welcome email with a link to set up your account and your appointment confirmation email will have a button that says "Fill Out Intake Form". Either of these link to our patient portal where you can fill out your new patient intake forms before your first appointment. These are completed online in a HIPAA-compliant platform – there is no need to print them out.

Please gather any lab tests or imaging (MRI, X-ray, Ultrasound) results that you have for your condition and email them to us or bring them with you to your first appointment.

Please be sure to eat something within the 1-2 hour period before you come to your acupuncture appointment.

Please wear loose-fitting clothing to your appointment if possible. You can expect to keep your clothes on unless we need to access a particular part of your torso or upper limbs. You will never be asked to fully disrobe.


We typically start with a treatment plan of 12 treatments, with sessions 1-2 times a week, and then evaluate progress to determine steps going forward.

The number of treatments you will need differs depending on the person and the condition that is being treated. Acute conditions like an acute injury may only require 4-6 treatments. Chronic conditions will generally require treatment over a longer period of time. However, you should start to see changes in the condition within the first few treatments. Treatment for fertility or menstrual cycle regulation typically lasts a minimum of 3-6 months.

The general health of the person being treated also affects the length of treatment. A fairly healthy individual is expected to respond faster than someone who is depleted from long-term illness or who has a complex web of factors. Since each person responds differently to acupuncture, it may take a few treatments before we can provide a more accurate estimate of the number of treatments that will be necessary.


Acupuncture can elicit a range of sensations. At some points you may not feel anything, while at other times you may feel a dull heavy sensation around the needle. Sometimes that dull, heavy sensation will move around during the treatment. These are all normal responses to acupuncture. Any sharp or nerve-like feelings are rare, and should be reported to the practitioner if they occur. Most patients report a sense of deep relaxation after a treatment.


Acupuncture is very safe when practiced by a licensed practitioner. All needles are sterilized, single-use, disposable needles and Clean Needle Technique is employed at all times. With a trained acupuncturist, acupuncture is also very safe for women who are pregnant and is a great way to support your health during your pregnancy.


Chinese Herbal Medicine is a safe and effective form of natural medicine. Herbs are prescribed to address individual imbalances and should always be taken under the supervision of a licensed practitioner. Herbs should be taken as prescribed and any new medications should be mentioned to the practitioner immediately.

We have made great effort to bring you the safest herbs on the market and all herbs we use have been tested for any undesirable elements including heavy metals, aristolochic acid, and residual pesticides. We have full confidence in the ability of our suppliers to ensure the quality and proper handling of all our herbs.