When you use this website our server collect/stores information about you. Some of this is automatic (e.g. cookies) and some of it is not (e.g. when you send us an email or fill in a form). We may use this information in the following ways:

  • To make your life easier when you return to our site.

  • To contact you about our services (only if you have given us permission to).

  • To analyse the behaviour of visitors to our site so that we can improve it.

Your privacy is important to us. We do not share any details we hold about you with anyone without your prior permission.


A cookie is a small file that is often downloaded onto your computer when you visit a website. We use them on our site because they allow us to recognise and tailor our site specifically for you and they also help us understand how people are using the website.


We are hosted on a secure server. However we are subject to the same vulnerabilities that all websites are and are often reliant upon 3rd party software and servers. We take no responsibility for breaches of security due to 3rd party software or servers.


You can Contact Us at any time and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. We aren’t like the others, we care. So we’ll always aim to reply with a meaningful answer within 48 hours.