Painful Periods and Fertility: Get To The Root

Why addressing period pain is important before trying to conceive 

Pain is the body’s way of signaling that something might be wrong or out of balance internally. If you have suffered from severe period pain for a long time, it would be wise to seek treatment prior to trying to conceive, as severe period pain can indicate conditions that might impact fertility.

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According to research, there are certain known biomedical conditions that contribute to severe period pain and fertility struggles - in particular a condition called endometriosis. Endometriosis is defined as a disorder in which the tissue that makes up the uterine lining grows outside of the uterus, most often in the lower abdomen and pelvis (but can grow anywhere). This condition can lead to period pain, pain with sex and fertility struggles. Endometriosis can cause inflammation and other issues that negatively impact fertility outcomes and is diagnosed through a laparoscopy, a type of abdominal surgery. 

Even if you don’t have diagnosed endometriosis but you are needing to take NSAIDs like ibuprofen or Tylenol on a regular basis for painful menstrual symptoms, acupuncture can help you improve your fertility by addressing your painful periods. NSAIDs can interfere with ovulation and implantation of the embryo. Certain NSAIDs also reduce your liver’s ability to clear hormones and toxins all month long, which can lead to inflammation. Addressing the root of your painful periods and getting away from regular painkiller use is a good idea if you want to conceive in the near future.

Acupuncture to Address Pain and Infertility 

From your acupuncturist’s perspective, a confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis is not necessary to begin addressing painful periods and subsequent fertility struggles: in fact, the sooner treatment begins the better the outcomes! This is because period pain, whatever the cause, is considered by acupuncturists to be common but not necessarily normal. Even if endometriosis is ruled out, period pain and fertility struggles are often seen simultaneously in the acupuncture clinic. 

Getting things Moving 

An acupuncturist uses many objective and subjective indicators to determine the root cause of period pain. Often, one pattern that contributes to pain and infertility is the idea that the flow of Qi and blood gets stuck during the course of a patient’s menstrual cycle (either around ovulation or prior to the period). Where there is a lack of movement, pain results, thus causing painful ovulation or periods and difficulty when trying to conceive. 

You and your acupuncturist will work together to devise a plan to address pain and fertility that may include regular acupuncture, Chinese medicinal herbs and dietary and lifestyle changes, all aimed at reducing pain by restoring the free flow of energy and blood and increasing fertility outcomes. Ideally, you would start receiving acupuncture treatments at least three months before trying to conceive. 

If you have concerns about painful periods and your fertility, contact your local reproductive acupuncturist, checking that they specialize in reproductive health and fertility.